Title:: The phenomenon of “clip thinking” in the educational and cognitive activities of students of natural and physical-mathematical educational profile
Author:: O. P. Shestopalova, T. Yu Goncharova; Year:: 2022 Item Type:: journalArticle
Citekey:: shestopalova_phenomenon_2022 Tags::
#Note-making, #👨🎓-PhD-Note-taking, #🔬LitReview
zotero Keywords:: Note-making, 👨🎓 PhD Note taking, 🔬LitReview Related::Journal:: Journal of Physics: Conference Series Issue:: Volume:: 2288
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URL:: DOI:: 10.1088/1742-6596/2288/1/012036
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The article presents an analysis of the phenomenon of “clip thinking” in the educational and cognitive activities of students of natural and physical-mathematical educational profile. The involvement of clip thinking in the initial stage of cognition in comparison with rational and theoretical thinking is theoretically substantiated. An empirical verification of the originality of cognitive processes of students of natural and physical-mathematical educational profile in the situation of comparing traditional linear (textual) and hypertextual way of presenting information is established. Deficiency of cognitive processes characteristic of clip thinking for results is revealed, which is characterized by characteristics of mental (theoretical) level of cognition. Therefore, the next stage of cognition should be the understanding of information through the mechanisms of comparison, generalization, categorization and re-synthesis.
Key Concepts & Evergreens
- One of the most interesting articles so far that doubts premise that clip thinking is bad.
- Authors pustulate the idea that clip thinking is possible the answer that nature gives on the challenges of oversaturated with information space.
- As far as I can see there are several lines of reasoning:
- Clip thinking is a transitory state between superfluous and deep thinking.
- It is also a necessary stage in contemporary information society.
- Present us with a dilemma what we need to do to bridge the gap between sensory perception of the world and events and rational and effortful cognitive process, followed by creative thinking.
Dilemma of a clipthinker, deep or superfluous
« The person whoplunges into this space is faced with the dilemma of choice, which is the intention to cover asmuch information as possible and thus narrow this choice to the optimal for this cognitive taskwith minimal time. As a result of this contradiction, in the cognitive processes of perception and awareness there is an attitude to isolate relatively short information segments. In particular the traditional linear text is replaced by bright headlines and short articles, whose main task — to create not logical representation but emotional attitude to events » (Page 2)
Hypermedia is determined the emergence of clipthinking
« T. Nelson [1, pp.59–60] coined the term “hypermedia”,in which he described the nonlinear environment of perception of various kinds of information. Unlike hypertext, hypermedia is a collection of text, video, graphics, audio, and other types of information that are combined by hyperlinks. These changes determined the emergenceof the phenomenon of so-called “clip thinking”. F. I. Girenok [2, pp.174–175] believes thatconceptual thinking is inferior to the phenomenon of “clip thinking”. » (Page 2)
Information space motivates a person to restructure. Emotions dominated thinking
« the information space motivates a person to restructure perception and thinking, which is dominated by fragments and switching from one information segment to another. Not conceptsand inferences dominate in thinking, but images, emotional representations, visual images » (Page 3)
the purpose of a research
« The purpose our work is a theoretical analysis of the mutual correspondence of levels ofknowledge and types of thinking, as well as the essence of cognitive processes inherent in clip thinking and empirical verification of the cognitive processes of students of physical andmathematical and natural education profiles. » (Page 3)
Nonlinear knowledge acquisition
« Students gradually acquire basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, physics, computer science, biology and chemistry, studying the main sections of the relevant scientific disciplines.The linear way of fundamental training in the field of physical and mathematical and naturaleducation is the opposite of the tendency of modern students to clip thinking. Despite the significant disadvantages of this cognitive style, among which is the unwillingness to painstakinganalytical work and building a chain of logical reasoning, we cannot fail to note the advantagesof this style: setting for simultaneous setting of many tasks, fast orientation in the information flow. » (Page 3)
Nonlinear knowledge acquisition from the first article I’ve read during the challenge
Clip thinkers are more proficient in fast processing of information, even superfluously
« The strategy of searching for information, rather than its independent acquisition by scientificmethods, is beginning to dominate modern specialists in various fields, including natural sciences.The main thing for them is the ability to navigate in different information sources, choosethe right information for use in practice. A significant number of graduates need to be quickto acquire the necessary knowledge and relevant skills. This requires flexibility and speed ofthinking, skills in working with various software products and media resources. Fundamentalscience training does not always provide such competencies. On the other hand, humanitiesknowledge in the field of philosophy, history, psychology, pedagogy, sociology increases human adaptability in the current world, because such knowledge is less formalized than natural ormathematical. » (Page 3)
Might be counter argument and explanation why we also need to be proficient in digital environment.
What is Cognition
« Cognition, according to A. B. Nevelev and N. L. Hudyakov [4, p.48], is the process of activity, socio-practical assimilation of human forms of the material world, in the case of which, forms withtheir depth in the structure of things “move” into human consciousness, and become instrumentaland symbolic knowledge. » (Page 3)
What is cognition or познание in Russian.
Another go on Cognition
« According to O. B. Kulikova [5, p.15], cognition is a process ofpurposeful search by a person of everything that will provide him with the opportunity to » (Page 3)
Dichotomy between scientific and clip thinking (knowledge)
« create himself and find his place in the world. Scientific knowledge, according to V. S. Grekhnev[6, p.14], it is always a process that consists of two important points: 1) collecting information about the object; 2) analysis of the received information. Thus, cognition will be understood asthe process of purposeful human acquisition of knowledge about the surrounding reality » (Page 4)
And how children might accumulate knowledge of the world if the only thing they know is where to acquire someone else’s recollections of the world. For most of them surrounding reality is virtual reality or digital reality I would assume.
Two levels of cognition: Sensory
« It is traditionally believed that cognition occurs on two levels [7, pp.56–57]. Sensory (empirical) cognition is carried out through the sensory-perceptual system of man, which has complex and compensatory properties. Also, the peculiarities of the first level is that cognitiondoes not go beyond individual statements about certain phenomena and the consideration ofdirect links between them. That is, at this level, objects are observed, facts are recorded,experiments are conducted, empirical relationships and patterns are established. The main forms of the sensory level are sensation, perception and imagination. For the most part, theacquired empirical knowledge is subjective » (Page 4)
Two levels of cognition: Rational
« The rational (theoretical) level is characterized by a more complex way of reflecting reality, through which a person can go beyond their sensory experience and learn what is not directly given at the initial stage. This method involves a set of mental operations, which correspondsto the movement of thinking from knowledge of phenomena to knowledge of the essence. Themain features of this level are that it is based on the results of sensory cognition, but does notinteract with the object of study. Therefore, it is possible to study phenomena that in the caseof the use of sensory cognition is impossible to know, and the result is essential knowledge about the object. The main forms of such knowledge are concepts, judgments and inferences. That is,it is at this level is the further development of empirically acquired knowledge » (Page 4)
The mind is characterized by creative operations
« The mind (theoretical thinking) is a higher level of rationalcognition, which is characterized primarily by creative operation of abstractions and consciousstudy of their content. The main task of the mind is to combine various facts and identify thedriving forces of the studied phenomena. » (Page 4)
Need to study closer sources mentioned here and understand how cognition works
« This opinion is also held by V. A. Vazyulin [9, pp.175–179], who believes that rationalthinking dominates the path of cognition from the chaotic idea of the whole, from the sensoryconcrete to the abstract, from living contemplation to abstract thinking. Mental thinking onthe path of cognition from abstract to concrete, ie from abstract thinking to practice. Also,the scientist emphasizes the interdependence of the proposed types of thinking. Therefore,the general course of cognition occurs simultaneously in opposite directions, with a qualitativechange of the dominant direction to another, with the transition from one stage to another. » (Page 4)
If we talk about deformation if thinking due to overuse of digital means we have to define what is cognition and thinking as it is.
Clip thinking is a phase of that precludes the transition process from unstable state of just someone else’s words into processed and personal idea. It has some merrit
« That is, the first type ofthinking is the basis for the second, when there is a formalization and transition of the obtainedfacts into a relatively stable state due to the mechanisms of generalization and categorization. Inepistemological concepts there is still no thorough analysis of the phenomenon of “clip thinking”. The advantage of clip thinking is the high speed of information processing. As I. O. Danchenkoand V. O. Tyurina point [10, p.635], such thinking seems to bypass the analysis, creating newways and speeds up the process of perception. The subject of cognition with a tendency tothe cognitive style of “clip thinking”, according to S. M. Soboleva [?, pp.88–89], operates withmeaningful units of fixed length, and outwardly this is manifested in the fact that a person cannot focus for a long time on any information, it reduces the ability to analytical and syntheticactivities. » (Page 4)
Generalization and categorization and advantage of clip thinking
Kind of thinking with overlapping elements. Foundation for a blended learning
There it is! Foundation of a blended learning. Integrative learning
Clip thinking is the first stage of cognition, necessary stage in the overabundant information society
« It is noticeable that according to the essential characteristics, the opposite of clip thinking is theoretical thinking, which is capable of comprehending meanings, creating a holistic picture of the world. However, this type of thinkingand the corresponding cognitive style is becoming a sign of the scientific community, peopleprofessionally mature. We assume that modern students have another trend - the transition to a cognitive style, inherent in the phenomenon of “clip thinking”. Thus, summarizing theresults of comparative analysis, we can assume that in the general phenomenology of cognition, the mechanisms of clip thinking provide the first stage of cognition, which presents individualempirical facts, which contain the author’s opinion, which may not be an expert in the field it represents the material. That is, the obtained data is only a material in which the subject is presented with the subject content, and which in the process of perception and comprehension undergoes various ways of cognitive transformation » (Page 6)
Cognition is not a process of copying reality but a process of hypotheses with the help of critical thinking
« Cognition, in this case, is not a copy of reality, but the process of making cognitive hypotheses, ie the prediction of new objects, properties, processes, and then their understanding throughcritical analysis and subsequent synthesis. » (Page 6)
It is the moment of inception of others form of thinking
« Thus, summarizing the above, it can be argued that clip thinking should be considered inthe context of the initial stage of cognition, which allows the transition to other levels of thisprocess. However, it should be noted that the levels of knowledge are interdependent and in the actual functioning of knowledge there is a constant interaction between them. » (Page 6)
The proof of concept via experiment. I can reproduce it
« Then an experiment was conducted, which compared the effectiveness and quality ofunderstanding information and its reproduction in terms of two ways of presenting it – textand audiovisual (hypertext). The above results indicate the different cognitive styles of studentsand their preferences in the perception of information in educational activities. Preliminaryanalysis and selection of necessary information takes place in students through the mechanismsof clip thinking. In order for this process to end with the result of the characteristics of the mental (theoretical) level of cognition, other cognitive processes are needed, namely its comprehension of information through the mechanisms of comparison, generalization, categorization, re-synthesis.These processes are better represented in the perception and understanding of traditional lineartext. » (Page 11)