Status: Tags: Author: Dweck, Dr Carol


A very long book. It could be packed in a series of articles. Nuggets of useful information are strewn across the book. Business section complete useless for educators and vice versa. The main idea is that people in a fixed mindset are fixed in their image of themselves or image that is projected by their parents, success for the is everything, failure - is a disaster from which they sometimes can’t get well or learn from it. Growth mindset people are taught through failure and success. They constantly ask questions and seek answers.

Reference: Dweck D. C. Mindset - Updated Edition: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential / D. C. Dweck, 6th edition-Π΅ ΠΈΠ·Π΄., London: DO NOT USE, 2017. 320 c.

