Lesson plan — The Art of Job Ad Analysis

80-Minute Lesson Plan Based on “The Art of Job Ad Analysis”

Lesson Title: Decoding Job Advertisements: What They Really Mean
Duration: 80 minutes
Skill Focus: Reading comprehension, critical thinking, discussion, and vocabulary building.

  • Printed copies of The Art of Job Ad Analysis (from the uploaded PDF)
  • Sample job advertisements (printed or displayed digitally)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Highlighters and sticky notes

Lesson Breakdown

1. Warm-up Discussion (10 minutes)

Objective: Engage students in reflecting on their experiences with job advertisements.

  • Ask students: Have you ever read a job ad and felt confused by the wording?
  • Display a few real job postings with vague or ambiguous phrases like:
    • “Looking for a dynamic self-starter!”
    • “We offer a fast-paced environment!”
    • “Competitive salary and great growth opportunities!”
  • Discuss: What do these phrases mean? Are they always positive?

2. Skimming and Scanning (10 minutes)

Objective: Students will get an overview of the article before diving into deeper analysis.

  • Distribute The Art of Job Ad Analysis to students.
  • Instruct them to skim the article quickly (3-4 minutes), underlining key sections.
  • Ask students to share: What stands out?
  • Discuss the article’s purpose: What is the main message?

3. Close Reading and Analysis (25 minutes)

Objective: Understand the hidden messages behind job ads and apply critical thinking.

  • Divide students into small groups. Assign each group a section of the article.
  • Each group:
    1. Reads their section carefully.
    2. Identifies key points and unfamiliar vocabulary.
    3. Summarizes their section for the class.
  • Highlight the section on “Typical Texts and Interpretation” (Page 2 of the article).
  • Discuss: What hidden meanings do companies embed in job ads?
  • Encourage students to share personal experiences.

4. Applying Knowledge: Job Ad Breakdown (20 minutes)

Objective: Practice analyzing real job ads using the article’s insights.

  • Hand out printed job advertisements (or display them digitally).
  • In pairs, students:
    1. Select one job ad.
    2. Highlight ambiguous or vague phrases.
    3. Use the article’s techniques to interpret the real meaning.
  • Groups present their findings.
  • Open discussion: What should job seekers be cautious about?

5. Reflection and Debate (15 minutes)

Objective: Encourage critical discussion on job ad language and workplace culture.

  • Debate motion: “Job ads should be more honest and transparent.”
  • Divide the class into For and Against teams.
  • Each team presents 2-3 arguments.
  • Conclude with final reflections: How will you read job ads differently after this lesson?

Assessment / Homework

  • In-Class Option: Write a short response (150 words) on How can you avoid falling for misleading job ads?
  • Homework Option: Find a job ad online, rewrite it with clearer language, and explain the changes.


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