How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers

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Author: Sonke Ahrens

Reference: Sonke Ahrens, “How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers”,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, London , 2017, p. 178


Some updates from Critical Thinking by Tom Chatfield

  • When making long list of reading, keep in mind accountability of sources.
    • Make it a habit to separate primary sources from secondary.
      • Primary — main work in the field.
      • Secondary — someone else’s work, based on the primary work.

Authenticity doesn’t bring with itself representativeness and relevance.

  • Representativeness:

    • Bigger the better. Small samples are more likely to lead astray.
    • Look for even distribution, beware of the law of small number.
      Transclude of Закон-малых-чисел#f040f0
    • Self-selection is a problem. Volunteers are all different, you can’t choose. Maybe it for the better, known how Dan Ariely juked the numbers in his latest work.
    • Remember, there is no such thing as absolute representativeness. All things are distorted in one way or another.
  • Fill the long reading list only with relevant sources, skip old or arguable ones.

    • Protect your reputation by avoiding dubious papers.

All good writing ultimately begins with good reading.

  • Good reading is always qualitative, not quantitative.

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  • Another thought, why PKM system should be decentralized and what benefits it gives. ^5323d7
    • Transclude of Antifragile-book-1#c6309a
    • Not so long ago, I had a lively discussion about the advantages and drawbacks of folders and any kind of system.
      • But on the next day, a reasonable explanation has been vocalized.
      • We have to think, only once, where to puta certainn idea. This is an expenditure of a precious thinking resource.
        • But we have to think it only once, and use benefits of such behaviour eternally.
        • The full message below ^6334ae.


Не для холивара - просто к размышлению. Минус без структуры и плюс структуры изначально. В програмировании есть такая фишка, что код мы пишем один раз, а читаем сотни. То есть, есть смысл заморочиться и сделать все по уму сразу. Да - это выше вход, лишнее мыслетопливо и т.д. Но такой подход полностью себя оправдывает. Так и с заметками. Да - надо пару секунд подумать, куда заметку сунуть. Но заметку вы сунете один раз, а читать и искать будете сотни. Далее. Одно дело потратить немного усилий, когда создаете заметку. И совсем другое раскидать базу на 1000 заметок по папкам. Я думаю это обречено на провал - это будет смертельно скучно. То есть начав делать заметки без структуры - потом будет очень тяжелый переезд. А вероятнее переезда вообще не будет. И третье - папки - это считай Автоматические МОКи. Открыл папку - и видиш какие темы и подтемы. Не надо ничего ручками вбивать - просто закинуть заметку в правильную категорию. Дубликаты - создать заметку с пометкой копия - а внутри ссылка на оригинал. Не идеально, но рабочая схема. П.С. Никого не агитирую - пусть каждый делает как ему удобно. Это просто аргументы для тех, кто еще не определился, ищет как лучше.

Marathon for Bookfit

  • Александр Палкин has invited me as an expert to take part in a sprint, where I with a group of participants work on understanding of the book.

    • On Monday, 15 of August, Sasha launches the sprint and onboards all the members. Meeting takes place in ZOOM, link is on me.
    • Furthermore, we have to organize a small assembly where we set our goals.
  • In the first meeting we are setting our goals. Ask questions each other, why we are here? What is the end goal of our collaborative work?

  • I understand that setting goals is an easy task by comparison, but when you actually try it for yourself, you’ll see how hard it is.

    • So to make it easy, we work in groups and set a group task that in someway reflects your personal goal.
    • We start with setting expectation right. What do you think this book is about?
    • But before we do, let’s make a list of sources of information. If one team has chosen this source already, the second can’t use it anymore.
    • Second thing I’d like to tell me, in what way you organized your notes in university, school, work, life. Don’t be afraid to mention even the most extravagant.
    • Why bother? What was the meaning of this action back then, and what is the purpose in doing it now?
  • And only after that we can discuss the book and note-taking.

    • To change something, you have to describe the state you are in and then work on your path to get there.
    • So, with what goal in mind, you picked up this book and signed for the activity we have here together?
    • Can you imagine how you’ve changed after our sprint has finished? One sentence, no more than 9 words.

Example from Sunday’s workshop

  • Writing is everyday activity, not simple but intellectual one.
    • It is the beginning of everything.
    • We write not only posts, article, and god forbid books, but post-it notes on a computer screen, messages in numerous applications, email to contractors and friends, application letter for future employers.
    • So by this it not only activity, but it becomes an environment of the work we do.
      • Learning, studying, and understanding.