The Bad Design Persists Because We Are Not Teaching Natively

  • Denis Listvin, a Russian teacher of the German language, mentioned the idea of nativity during his keynote speech.
    • This method is how children learn; they explore, interact, see what happens, assess the results, and try again.
    • His idea revolves around four cornerstones:
      • Nativity, the aforementioned approach or attitude, if you will, to learning.
      • Then comes skills, which are actually applicable actions that can be executed.
        • I, on the other hand, think that he confuses skills with abilities.
        • Though, his explanation of the next step covers this confusion.
      • He says that the fourth element is Neural Networks in the brain, which we need to train to achieve success in acquiring skills.
      • And to acquire the skill, we have to implement numerous repetitions.
        • Which is old news.
    • He says the natural way of learning is effortless and easy.
      • Which is also stating the obvious, and he mentioned that teachers overload students with assignments, which are generally useless due to the limits of what the brain can process.
      • It leads to a lack of repetition and half-trained skills if trained at all.
    • Listvin explains that we are learning not because of will, logic, memory, and increased difficulty of tasks, but thanks to our ability to adapt to new conditions and habituation to new information.
      • We learn in the end when we make the knowledge relevant to us.



