Sequential notes

Sequential notes are easier to follow when working on an idea and they highlight the flow of thoughts.

I can draw at least to benefits from this approach:

  1. Ideas are consistent.
  2. Easier to develop a topic.

Though there is at least one disadvantage, sequential note-taking requires more thinking time.

Conclusive Argument for Sequential Notes

  • Ideas are easier to follow, and it’s simpler to draw conclusions from them.
    • Instead of the β€œflowers,” as I referred to them during my stream with Sonke Ahrens, I now have a stream. Just take a look at the example.
      • It’s structured in a one-way manner, but backlinks are easy to follow. There’s no need to worry about forgetting something.
  • There’s one more thing worth mentioning.
    • The most critical aspect isn’t how the notes are organized but your ability to derive value from them.
    • Possible outcomes include:




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